Tähtitieteellinen yhdistys Ursa
Syvä taivas

Abell Planetaries

This page contains Finnish Deep Sky Section's observations and photographs of George Abell's Catalog of Planetary Nebulae.
Original catalogue errors:
Abell 9 = No apparent blue central star - nebula?
Abell 11 = Reflection Nebula in Orion
Abell 17 = POSS1/Red plate flaw
Abell 32 = POSS1/Red plate flaw
Abell 64 = No apparent blue central star - galaxy?
Abell 76 = Galaxy in Hydra (IRAS F21274-0301) Abell 85 = Supernova Remnant CTB1
Abell 2 (PK 122-4.1)
00h 45m 34.8s +57° 57' 35"
Magnitude: 14.1 (v), Size: 36.0", Central star: 20.0
8" - 122x + O-III: Very faint, round glow in a rich field. Only visible occasionally with averted vision. Not visible without filters. No detail.
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 6.0, Background sky: 2, Seeing: 1-2
16" - 292x: Extremely faint annular nebula. Annular-shape was visible weakly with averted vision. Sketch
Iiro Sairanen, NE Lim.mag: 6.5, Background sky: 2, Seeing: 3
Abell 4 (PK 144-15.1)
02h 45m 23.8s +42° 33' 03"
Magnitude: 14.4 (v), Size: 20.0", Central star: 19.9
8" - 244x + O-III: Extremely faint, cannot be held steady with averted vision. Only suspected NNW from a 10th magnitude star as a round disk without detail. Sketch
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 6.2, Background sky: 2, Seeing: 1-2
18" - 309x + UHC: A planetary nebula which has a very low surface brightness. Filters do improve the view but not much. Mainly an even brightness disk with maybe a brightening in the middle. In the photos this planetary is a ring with very faint central star. The nearby galaxy PGC 10427 was out of sight. Sketch
Iiro Sairanen, NE Lim.mag: 6.4, Background sky: 3, Seeing: 3
Abell 10 (PK 197-14.1)
05h 31m 45.8s +06° 55' 57"
Magnitude: 14.0 (v), Size: 34.0", Central star: 20.2
8" - 244x + O-III: Very, very faint. Roundish, maybe slightly elliptical but axis very difficult to determine. Even brightness disk. 13th magnitude star to the SSW. Sketch
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 7.0, Background sky: 2, Seeing: 1-2
Abell 12 (PK 198-6.1)
06h 02m 20.0s +09° 39' 15"
Magnitude: 12.4 (v), Size: 37.0", Central star: 19.7
8" - 200x + O-III: Not visible without filters. Fairly faint and challenging due to the proximity of the 4th magnitude Mu Ori. Looks like a faint reflection of Mu Ori at lower powers. Better split @ 200x and visible fairly easily. A round planetary with some signs of ring structure. Sketch
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 5.6, Background sky: 3-4, Seeing: 2
14 " - 310x + O-III: Very difficult due to Mu Ori. Round with a ring structure. Several brightenings within the ring. Well defined edges. Not visible without O-III filter. Sketch / Sketch
Risto Heikkilä, NE Lim.mag: 5.5, Background sky: 2-3, Seeing: 2
Abell 21 (PK 205+14.1 / Sh2-274)
07h 29m 04.5s +13° 14' 55"
Magnitude: 11.3 (p), Size: 11.7', Central star: 15.9
3" - 64x + O-III: Fairly faint and huge. E side of the planetary clearly brighter with a clear crescent-shape. Three 11th magnitude stars within the nebulosity and an extremely faint ~13th magnitude star visible near the center. Edges quite sharp. Not tried without the filter.
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 7.2, Background sky: 1-2, Seeing: 2
16" - 57x + O-III: Very large planetary nebula with a very low surface brightness. Needs low power and a nebula filter. O-III is much better than UHC. The crescent-shape is obvious with averted vision. The brightest portions are on the both heads. The southern one is little brighter than northern, but northern one is much larger. There is also a star involved on the north edge. Sketch
Iiro Sairanen, NE Lim.mag: 6.1, Background sky: 3, Seeing: 3
Abell 24 (PK 217+14.1)
07h 51m 39.3s +03° 00' 29"
Magnitude: 13.6 (p), Size: 6.0' x 5.5', Central star: 17.1
Canis Minor
3" - 64x + O-III: Surprisingly bright(?) and moderately large. The disk is even brightness and somewhat round or slightly elliptical. Sketch
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 7.2, Background sky: 1-2, Seeing: 2
Abell 30 (PK 208+33.1)
08h 46m 53.6s +17° 52' 44"
Magnitude: 15.6 (p), Size: 1.8', Central star: 14.3
8" - 200x + O-III: Central star easy, but nothing seen around it.
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 6.5, Background sky: 2, Seeing: 2
Abell 33 (PK 238+34.1)
09h 39m 09.1s -02° 48' 32"
Magnitude: 12.6 (v), Size: 4.5', Central star: 15.5
3" - 64x + O-III: Very faint, round, even brightness planetary NE from a bright 7th magnitude naked eye star. Extremely faint star in the WNW edge. Very low surface brightness - best viewed at low powers. No detail. Sketch
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 7.2, Background sky: 1-2, Seeing: 2
Abell 35 (PK 248+29.1)
12h 53m 41.1s -22° 51' 42"
Magnitude: 12.7 (v), Size: 12.8', Central star: 9.6
3" - 64x + O-III: Very faint, very large and irregular in shape. Visible as a 10' x 8' haze S from a 10th magnitude star. Elongated in NE - SW direction. The "bow" is not visible at this magnification. Not even brightness - the center is a bit fainter. Central star not visible - mag 9.6? Sketch
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 7.2, Background sky: 1-2, Seeing: 2
Abell 36 (PK 318+41.1 / ESO 577-24)
13h 40m 41.3s -19° 52' 57"
Magnitude: 13.0 (p), Size: 6.0' x 5.0, Central star: 11.5
3" - 64x + O-III: Extremely faint glow only suspected surrounding - but maybe a bit off-center - a 11th magnitude [central] star. The shape is impossible to see, but suspected as round. Size about 5'.
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 7.2, Background sky: 1-2, Seeing: 2
Abell 37 (IC 972 / PK 326+42.1)
14h 04m 25.9s -17° 13' 40"
Magnitude: 13.9 (v), Size: 54.0", Central star: 17.9
8" - 200x + O-III: Fairly faint, round planetary with a darker center suspected. Sharp edges. No central star.
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 6.5, Background sky: 2, Seeing: 2
Abell 39 (PK 47+42.1)
16h 27m 33.8s +27° 54' 33"
Magnitude: 13.0 (v), Size: 2.9', Central star: 15.6
8" - 200x + O-III: Very faint, round glow with maybe a slightly fainter center. 14th magnitude star in the W edge. Some extremely faint stars in the S side of the halo. No central star.
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 7.0, Background sky: 1-2, Seeing: 2
Abell 45 (PK 20-0.1)
18h 30m 16.1s -11° 36' 56"
Magnitude: 12.9, Size: 4.8', Central star: 21.1
8" - 96x + O-III: Surrounding two 14th magnitude stars. Too faint (and too low) to be confirmed as a positive sighting.
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 6.7, Background sky: 1-2, Seeing: 2
Abell 46 (PK 55+16.1)
18h 31m 18.6s +26° 56' 11"
Magnitude: 13.8 (v), Size: 60.0", Central star: 14.9
8" - 244x + O-III: Very faint 15th magnitude central star surrounded by an even brightness, round, diffuse halo. No true detail.
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 6.7, Background sky: 1-2, Seeing: 2
18" - 183x + UHC: About 1.0' in diameter, slightly elliptical in NE-SW, 15 mag central star is visible without any trouble. Good contrast with UHC filter. Sketch
Iiro Sairanen, NE Lim.mag: 6.7, Background sky: 2, Seeing: 2
Abell 50 (NGC 6742 / PK 78+18.1)
18h 59m 19.9s +48° 27' 53"
Magnitude: 13.4 (v), Size: 36.0" x 30.0", Central star: 20.0
8" - 200x + O-III: Easy with O-III, even at 60x. Round, fairly faint planetary without details. Sharp edges. Sketch
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 5.8, Background sky: 3, Seeing: 3
Abell 61 (PK 77+14.1)
19h 19m 10.3s +46° 14' 51"
Magnitude: 13.5 (v), Size: 3.2', Central star: 17.3
8" - 244x + O-III: Something strongly suspected (but not fully confirmed) E from a 12th magnitude GSC-star. Very diffuse, round disk without details.
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 7.0, Background sky: 1-2, Seeing: 2
Abell 63 (PK 53-3.1)
19h 42m 10.4s +17° 05' 11"
Magnitude: 17.1 (p), Size: 34.0", Central star: 14.6
16" - 292x: A faint roundish planetary. Some annularity is weakly visible with averted vision. Two stars involved. Sketch
Iiro Sairanen, NE Lim.mag: 6.7, Background sky: 2, Seeing: 3
Abell 70 (PK 77+14.1)
20h 31m 33.2s -07° 05' 18"
Magnitude: 14.5 (v), Size: 42.0", Central star: 19.1
8" - 244x + O-III: Fairly faint, round disk with a ring structure. Central star and the background galaxy not seen.
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 7.0, Background sky: 1-2, Seeing: 2
Abell 71 (PK 85+4.1 / Sh2-116)
20h 32m 23.4s +47° 20' 55"
Magnitude: 14.5 (v), Size: 2.6', Central star: 18.9
8" - 200x + O-III: Very faint, round, diffuse glow with three mag 12-13 stars involved. Even brightness and no detail.
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 7.0, Background sky: 1-2, Seeing: 2
16" - 146x + O-III: Extremely faint roundish haze with an O-III and averted vision at 146x. There is a star involving in the center but it isn't the real central star. Sketch
Iiro Sairanen, NE Lim.mag: 6.5, Background sky: 3, Seeing: 3
Abell 72 (PK 59-18.1)
20h 50m 02.1s +13° 33' 29 "
Magnitude: 14.6 (p), Size: 2.0' x 1.8', Central star: 16.1
8" - 200x + O-III: Something suspected within an asterism of 7 stars mags 8-14. Extremely faint, round haze between a triangle of the three brightest stars in the asterism. No detail.
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 7.0, Background sky: 1-2, Seeing: 2
Abell 75 (NGC 7076 / PK 101+8.1)
21h 26m 23.5s +62° 53' 33"
Magnitude: 13.5, Size: 56.0", Central star: 18.0
8" - 122x + O-III: Extremely faint, round 1' disk without details, visible only with optimal averted vision. Almost identical with NGC 7139, but slightly fainter. Sketch
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 5.8, Background sky: 3, Seeing: 3
16" - 292x: A round planetary nebula, brightening on the east edge. Annular? A central star and two other stars involved.
Iiro Sairanen, NE Lim.mag: 6.8, Background sky: 2, Seeing: 2
Abell 77 (Sh2-128 / PK 97+3.1)
21h 32m 10.3s +55° 52' 42"
Magnitude: 14.0 (v), Size: 76.0" x 49.0", Central star: 15.7
16" - 244x: Somewhat elliptical in W-E direction, otherwise undetailed. UHC gives the best views. Sketch
Iiro Sairanen, NE Lim.mag: 6.5, Background sky: 3, Seeing: 3
Abell 78 (PK 81-14.1)
21h 35m 29.5s +31° 41' 44"
Magnitude: 13.4 (v), Size: 2.0' x 1.7', Central star: 13.2
8" - 160x + O-III: Very difficult - central star easy being at about 13.0 magnitude. Something strongly suspected surrounding the central star with O-III filter... probably round, even brightness and Vmag ~15. Central star appears brighter with the filter? Easy to find - nicely flanked by two 8th magnitude stars. Sketch
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 5.8, Background sky: 3, Seeing: 2
Abell 81 (IC 1454 / PK 117+18.1)
22h 42m 25.3s +80° 26' 28"
Magnitude: 14.4 (v), Size: 32.0", Central star: 18.8
8" - 380x + O-III: Easy with O-III. 7th magnitude star lies in the E. Round, 30" disk without detail. Very faint star almost touches the halo in the N. Sketch
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 6.0, Background sky: 2-3, Seeing: 2-3
16" - 146x + O-III: Circular planetary without filters. O-III shows a small hole in the center with averted vision. Two faint stars are nearly involved in the NE edge.
Iiro Sairanen, NE Lim.mag: 6.0, Background sky: 4, Seeing: 3
Abell 82 (PK 114-4.1)
23h 45m 47.5s +57° 03' 46"
Magnitude: 13.8 (v), Size: 94.0", Central star: 14.9
8" - 160x + O-III: Fairly faint, maybe slightly SE-NW elliptical glow flanked by two 11th magnitude stars. 13th magnitude star slightly SE from the center. Even brightness. No detail. Sketch
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 6.3, Background sky: 2, Seeing: 2
Abell 84 (PK 112-10.1)
23h 47m 43.9s +51° 23' 56"
Magnitude: 13.0 (v), Size: 2.5' x 2.0', Central star: 18.4
8" - 122x + O-III: Moderately faint, slightly E-W elliptical glow W from a 10th magnitude star. Slightly brighter from E side. No detail.
Jaakko Saloranta, NE Lim.mag: 5.8, Background sky: 2-3, Seeing: 1-2
16" - 244x + UHC: Extremely faint roundish haze. No structure visible. Sketch
Iiro Sairanen, NE Lim.mag: 6.5, Background sky: 2, Seeing: 3
© Jaakko Saloranta and Iiro Sairanen.
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