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From: Dr S Curtis \(Staff\) (s.curtis_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 06/11/2002

I am sitting here at my desk puzzling what on earth is *that*. It looks for all the world like a sundog, but it's in the wrong place!!!!

It's a sundog-lookalike, against the backdrop of a streak of cloud, just at the top of the cloud (ie not all the way down so not part of a halo). It's a patch of light, not an arc or halo or anything.

It's 4.20pm UT, I'm at 56N, 3.75ish deg W, sun is (oh gosh, vertical heights...)
um, about 30-something degrees high in the western sky, sundog lookalike is distinctly *lower* in the sky, to the south-west-ish, definitely not on a level like a sundog is, more like 20-something degrees above the horizon, or maybe 17,18,19.

Sorta (fixed width font)




Angular distance between sun is two lots of thumb-to-pinkie distance, so if one lot of thumb-to-pinkie is the usual 22, then this is about 44.

Red is innermost, nearer the sun, the colours change nicely through the rainbow hues to blue, so blue on the left, red on the right. Nice rainbow colours, better saturation than a sundog usually, reminds me of a picture of a circumhorizontal arc I once saw, that had nice strong colours.

Anyway, it's gone now. But does anyone have any ideas what it was?

