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From: Mark Vornhusen (mavornhusen_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 01/29/1999

Hello again,
forget my last mail. The date of the crucifixion of Christ was Friday, 3th April 33 A.D.. You find an interesting article here: http://www.csis.org.uk/Articles/Papers/Paper8/paper8.htm

If the Lord`s day in the revelation of John was a kind of Easter, it`s possible to calculate the date of Johns vision. Most literatur about the revelation agrees that the vision happened in 95 A.D. The vernal Equinox in this year was on March 22th. The next full moon after the vernal Equinox was on April 8th, a Wednesday. So Easter was on April 12th. The maximum sun elevation on this day on the island Patmos was 60.57 deg. In this case the circumhorizon arc is 12 deg above the horizon and can be observed clearly. This supports my theory.
