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From: Marko Riikonen (Marko.Riikonen_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 10/20/1996

ANSWER FROM: Marko Pekkola ( c/o mail address by Marko Riikonen)

>Are you referring to the observation by Hakumaki and Nousiainen?
>If so, i would like to point out that the vinicity of industrial
>smoke doesn't prove anything about the origin of ice crystals (?)
>causing the elliptical halo.

You missed the point Timo. It is partly the same as yours: elliptical halos have been seen in various conditions. To point out only Altocumulus Virga and assume that that forms a some kind of proof for gyration is hardly a valid argument.

>the ice crystals should have been nucleatad and grown in a time
>scale of a minute or two, which I consider inadequate

The observed nucleations in nature have been essentially faster than in the laboratory experiments. Timo, have you seen in URSA headquarters for example the copy of the National Science Foundation halo study proposal by Tape (et al)? One of the points expressed there is the amazingly fast nucleation and growing of halo producing ice crystals in nature.

The whole issue will not last long if two things keep repeating themselves: such counter-gyration polarisation as observed by Sillanpaa and such colors as in photographs by Ruoskanen (1993), by Piikki (1996) and by Sillanp{{ (1996). Particularly Piikki's photographs are quite Devastating to reflection-based theories.

Regards, Marko (P)