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From: Jun Lao (antares_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 07/01/1996


Thanks for the response. We are already in the wet or rainy season, although there are no typhoons in the area as yet, even though the circumstances seem right for typhoons. I do notice that most of the atmospheric displays occur at the front of big banks of dark clouds, usually the precursor of fronts. Other times, the halos occur when there are bands of cirrus and cirrustratus clouds in the sky. Just this morning, the whole sky was covered with wavelike stratus clouds, like the waves you see in the sand near the beach. The whole sky above Manila was covered with that type of cloud. No halos today, however. The halos I normally see over Manila are a little faint - not too gaudy or intense, but normally with a bit of color. During Easter Sunday two years ago, there was an intense halo around the sun, but the halo was pure white, and the phenomenon existed from 7 a.m. till about 10 a.m. Quite a long display.

Your skies in the north might be more conducive to more colorful displays since ice crystals should be (?) more common in your area - the mere fact that ice crystals exist here in the tropics raises more than a few eyebrows when I relate it to my officemates. Oh, an interesting sidebar, for a country in the tropics, we encounter hailstorms (short and isolated) about once every few years. Just a week ago, a part of Quezon City, just a few kilometers from Manila, encountered a rain of ice (I would think that would be hail) during an afternoon thunderstorm. Quite a feat, hey?

Will keep you guys posted on developments here, especially as the weather starts becoming mean (monsoon season).

Keep looking up!


<        Jun Lao, Editor, the Appulse       >
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