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From: Jun Lao (antares_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 06/29/1996

>Here at latitude 53N there have been sundogs on five of the
>last six days of westerlies and high pressure. With weak
>cirrus and cirrostratus they were not the stuff of timeless
>photographs yet they made their mark nonetheless. Twice, 22
>degree halos accompanied them and on three days circumzenithal
>arcs came and went. One was spectacular, hanging with
>shimmering rainbow colours from a pale blue sky.
>Les Cowley
>06/27/96 - 21:24:44 GMT+1
Hi Les,

Glad to hear that you're getting a lot of sundogs. Here in the tropics I've been seeing haloes for the past week too! Given that it is already the rainy season here in the Philippines, it is quite nice to see that the fronts (starting areas of large dark cloud patches) are composed of cirrus and cirrostratus clouds that cause haloes. In some instances like last Thursday, the sun was covered by a real dark cloud near sunset, but to the right and upper right of it were cirrus clouds. There was a halo in these areas and a bright sundog to the right of the sun. Quite a nice ending to the day. Yesterday (Friday), there was a weak halo after lunchtime, when dark rain clouds were again making an appearance.

A few weeks back, while I was in the island of Mactan in Cebu, located at about 10 deg. North, on June 13, I saw the strongest halo I have ever seen.
It was after lunchtime, and the sun was surrounded by some haze. The inner
portion of the ring was quite dark, and the halo around it was very colorful.
In fact, a lot of my officemates who were there for our conference took pictures with instamatic cameras and they all developed quite well.

Just goes to show that if you always look up, there is something that can get to perk you up.

Keep looking up!

Jun Lao

<        Jun Lao, Editor, the Appulse       >
<    The Philippine Astronomical Society    >
< Bringing the Heavens Down to the Filipino >