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From: Michael Ellestad (bowlturner_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 05/21/2002

Dear List members,

  Anyone want to see a good example of high sun halos? These images were of a high-sun display that had 22d halo intense circumscribed halo, parhelic circle, infralateral arc, and a bright well-developed circumhorizontal arc. Please enjoy the photos. This is probably the best high-sun display I have seen but one day a super halo display may show itself. I was at school when I saw this and made a nice drawing. The circumscribed halo almost coinsides with the 22d halo so the sun may have been 68 degrees or more of elevation. High-sun halos like this are what the German halo group need for the AKM website and I am one of those that can get them.

Enjoy the photos,

Best regards,

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