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From: Karl Kaiser (k.kaiser_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 07/09/2004

Dear Veikko,

Thank you for your answer. Till know I did not find additional information about this event. During the next days I´ll try to make a drawing of the second loop (third image) -
http://home.eduhi.at/member/nature/astr/meteor20040625/feuerkugel-20040625 .h
It is much smaller than the left one and it´s obvious that it could be more
faraway. It´s a pity that no one else got images of the trail to know the real 3D structure of it.

Best regards,


PS: Yesterday evening we have got a nice NLC-display here in Austria the second or third time this year (images will proof the third or not).

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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Veikko Makela <veikko.makela_at_HELSINKI.FI>
Datum: Montag, 05. Juli 2004 23:44
Betreff: Re: [METEOPTIC] Glaring trail from a giant fireball seen from
Austria, strong winds in high layers of earth atmosphere

>> Look carefully at the symmetrical figure of the trail! Would it
>> be possible that the meteor did not fall towards earth but got
>> back into space and streaked the atmosphere only? I have heared
>> about such events. The distortions of the trail due to the winds
>> at the beginning and the end are almost the same - the second
>> loop at the right hand-side is only visible in the original slide
>> but not in the scan.
>I don't know.. But the appearance of that meteor trail is very
>similar to rocket trails we have occasionally seen in Finland.
>In these cases the winds in the upper atmosphere have distorted
>trails to loops and very curved streaks.
>One point is also noteable, we do not see the real geometry of the
>trail very easily. What we see, is only a projection. Often it is
>not easy to recognize the real 3D structure. I do not say that in
>this case it is difficult, but in many cases it is...