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From: Jarmo Moilanen (jarmom_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 11/14/1998

Hello list,

I have heard once about a photograph of faint pillar of Venus. Planets and stars, except Venus (and maybe Jupiter when it is bright), are too faint to
show halos bright enough to detect by naked eye. Pillar and "subsun" of Venus
are probably most possible halos produced by any planets or stars.

Well, a really bright supernova propably can show some halos.


Jarmo Moilanen
e-mail: jarmom_at_netppl.fi
homepage: http://www.netppl.fi/~jarmom/index.htm

> Many people have observed sun and moon halos. Why nobody have seen star
planet halos?. Or they do have?
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> Luis Hontoria Hernandez
> HONTORIA_at_pre.santandersupernet.com
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