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From: Jun Lao (antares_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 08/13/1996


The list has been quiet recently... I wonder why...

Just to let you know, halos are once more popping up here in the Philippines,
and they are often seen (or I notice them) at around 11 a.m. till about 2 p.m.
Interestingly, there is a tropical storm to the northeast of the country (Kirk)
that has not moved out since Aug. 5. A high pressure cell in Japan is probably blocking its movement, and it has been steadily gaining strength (from what I could make out of the satellite photos). We've been getting some rain since then, but for the past three days, there have been faint halos around the sun around lunchtime. Today's halo is moderately bright, with the ring of light being quite colored, and the inner region being dark.

Another interesting thing: about a week ago, for two days, I have again seen nacreous clouds at sunset, when the clouds (near the top of a band of dark cumulo-nimbus clouds) are illuminated by the setting sun. Quite a beautiful display of metallic and pastel colors.

These things help to spice up the day, especially when you're in the grip of monsoon rains, and the opportunity to watch a meteor shower (instead of a rain shower) has just been wiped out.

Here's looking up!


<        Jun Lao, Editor, the Appulse       >
<    The Philippine Astronomical Society    >
< Bringing the Heavens Down to the Filipino >
