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From: PEKKOLA J MARKO (JMPEKKOLA_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 12/18/1995

RARE HALO IN AUSTRIA / METEOPTIC WITH this message the halo activists of Finland send our warm and very best congratulations to our colleagues in Austria and in Germany.

The post just brought the latest "Mitteilungen des Arbeitskreises  Meteore" leaflet published by the Arbeitskreis  Meteore group in Germany. This gang of highly experienced Central European German speaking meteor observers has been watching also for halos and other atmospheric phenomena for one and a half decades if I recollect right. Some of the active members have e-mail addresses and are members of METEOPTIC (like Sirko Molau, Jürgen Rendtel, Burkhard Wiche etc).

We have been waiting for years for it to happen that somebody  in Central Europe would finally catch the heliac arc and back the observation up with good photographs. In United  States this has been done at least once. The Dutch group has not yet succeeded in seeing this rarity though they have been on watch for halos for more than one hundred years.

Even in Finland, though we enjoy a bit better climate for rare halos than say Central Europe, we've managed so far to catch only 2 photographed cases of heliac arcs. In the Antarctic interior the halo scholars Tape and Können have catched a load of these white solar trespassers, but that area has an enormous wealth of rare Parry orientation halos and is unique in that. The photographs of heliac arcs or antisolar arcs are more than dreadfully scarce in midlatitudes.

As evident from the drawings made on basis of photographs by the observer Karl Kaiser, the Austria has just joined the very small gang of heliac arc countries. Congratulations. To the best of my knowledge it is also the first photographed heliac arc anywhere in Central Europe and one of the less than 5 photographed cases from anywhere in midlatitudes.

Likewise as in the 6 September 1985 display of Kuopio, Finland the strange "distorted Parry arc" seems to have shown itself again in context with a heliac arc. This is highly valuable information for science purposes. It is obvious that Karl Kaiser has made one of the most interesting halo observations of recent decades in Central Europe.

I would suggest Kaiser himself to publish his display and the photographs in the British WEATHER, the magazine having long traditions in historical halo publications regarding Europe. The uniqueness of the sighting by Kaiser will make it certain that the thing would be published. The Weather has recently expressed interest (privat information) to have more valuable halo publications in order to maintain her tradition.

In MITTEILUNGEN DES AKM follows an article by Wolfgang Hinz gathering together the 4 observations of distorted Parry arcs in German speaking areas. The same, strange apparation has been sighted a few times in Scandinavia as some of you know already. A candidate mechanism responsible for it was suggested a few years ago by Marko Riikonen and Jukka Ruoskanen.

According to the idea by Riikonen and Ruoskanen this new halo seems to fit well to Parry oriented column crystals that would oscillate a bit (imagine a pencil with a pair of side faces horizontal and the both ends of the long pencil rising and falling a bit). The same mechanism would produce the kind of noncomplete  heliac arc as seen in Kuopio in 1985 and now in austria in 1995. Since both observations agree with the model, there is good cause to assume that the explanation was the right one.

All observations of distorted Parry arcs were good to assamble together and publish in the American APPLIED OPTICS. This halo has been discussed a few years ago in the small leaflet of Finns (Ursa Minor) and now Kaiser and Hinz have discussed it in the German equivalent (Mitteilungen des AKM). It would be now high time to tell the English-speaking world about these apparitions.

My best regards,

PS. Sirko Molau, please forward a copy of this to Wolfgang and to Kaiser himself. Thanks in advance. You guys have been doing some splendid job down there. (Es war auch speziellt freuend dass Kaiser kritisch war mit seinem nebensonnen).