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From: watcher_at_hidden_email_address.net
Date: 10/01/1995

Hi gang,

the last time I observed, Sept 23 09-10 UT there was a decently bright aurora. Earlier that night, from 04-09 UT the aurora was a quiet homogenous arc low in the north. By 09 UT it developed enough that our site was no longer dark, and the curtain reached some 40 degrees up in the north, blotting out any attempts to find comet Bradfield 1995 Q1. One could not even see 2nd mag stars.

As for the new cycle begining, an uneducated but Murphy type of reply is of course! In Edmonton, you can tell when solar min has occurred since it was the only night free of aurora in the last 11 years. <grin>

I read somewhere that it has started since some observatory had recorded the new spots of the opposite magnetic polarity from the recent cycle.


Alister Ling watcher_at_freenet.edmonton.ab.ca

Wherein the deep night sky
The stars lie in its embrace
The courtyard still in its sleep
And peace comes over your face

                                  Loreena McKennitt
