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Kirjoittajan mukaan: Timpe Roschier (cirrus_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Päiväyksen mukaan: 14.06.2010

Heip Ilmakehä- ja Myrskybongarilistat!

Laitampa Europhotometeo'09:n linkin jakoon kun mielestäni tästä ei ole ollut listoilla mainintaa ja kun näillä listoilla on runsas määrä hyviä kuvaajia. Näyttääpi, että Suomesta oli kuitenkin 11 osallistujaa. Valitettavasti yksikään ei päässyt Top10:iin.


Tässä intro, sisältäen linkin, EMSin sivuilta: (http://www.emetsoc.org/newsarchive/news_20100331.php)

The European Meteorological Society had called for submissions of photos related to meteorology taken in 2009. 429 photos were admitted to the competition. These are accessible for browsing at http://europhotometeo-ems.blogspot.com

Number of submitted photos and submitting authors listed by country.

86 photos were pre-selected by the Organising Committee, consisting of Fernando Bullón (Europhotometeo coordinator), José Antonio Quirantes, Ramón Vazquez and Fernando Aguado, all from the Spanish Meteorological Society AME.

From 26 February to 25 March 2010 the Jury, consisting of the 9 representatives on the EMS Council, and the presidents of all EMS Member Societies, cast their vote on the photos. They were asked to select their favourite 10 entries, and assign points according to a predefined scheme.

The 86 pre-selected photos are downloadable as pps-file (5.5MB)

We are indepted to ai-translators & interpreters for their support in the communication with the authors of the photos in various languages.

We thank everyone who has submitted photos to this competition. The quality and quantity of pictures was impressive. Thus ranking the photos posed a great challenge for each Jury member.


Keli kuin keli, aina nousee - LimaKilo Crew


Myrskybongareiden sähköpostilista: myrskybongarit-l_ät_ursa.fi *** Liittymiset ja eroamiset: http://www.ursa.fi/ursa/viestinta/listat.html *** Listan www-arkisto: http://www.ursa.fi/ursa/viestinta/listat/myrskybongarit-l/summary.html