Object: NGC 7828
Observer: Riku Henriksson
Location: Deming, New Mexico, USA
Instrument: Newton 610/2743
Magnification: 392
Field: 10
Sqm: 21.20
Lim. Mag.: 6.7
BB: 4
Seeing: 4
Visuality: 3
Height: 34
Weather: Calm clear night. Temperature +10c.
Description: Elliptical nebula, almost attached to 14.5m star, which in fact turns out to be a nucleus of galaxy NGC 7829. NGC 7828 is about 1:2 elliptical, with some visible mottling inside th more
Date: 16/17.10.2014 23:21
Added by: Riku
Added: 30.10.2014 15:20