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From: Michael Ellestad (bowlturner_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 12/18/2005

Dear listees,

  While on our way back to the house with a load of wood my brother and I drove our ATV down the road preparing to turn around and while doing so I happened to look up and happened to spot an elliptical halo. I was quick and I was like Daniel I see elliptical halo stop the quad!! I got my camera out and snapped on the macro lens and fired numerous images. The halo like the previous one was whitish in color but this one persisted a lot longer and was a more complete ellipse. Needless to say I was quite satisfied with this rare treat. This will make the third elliptical halo observation in the USA for 2005.

Its a GOOD thing I had my camera strapped on the back of our ATV or else I would of missed it. This shows you that to be a good skywatcher always carry a camera. At one point my brother asked me if I waned to leave the camera at the house and I said nah because I had a sneakin suspicion that a rare halo would show its self.

I have the pics but I don't have them on my STD gallery yet.

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