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From: Mark Vornhusen (mark_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 02/13/2002

Dear Sharon,
what you have seen was a glorie (small colorful rings) and a fogbow (big white circle). Both are created by small wather droplets.

http://www.blitzwetter.de/2002/nebel.jpg (in this case Heiligenschein and Fogbow)


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Dr S Curtis (Staff) <s.curtis_at_CS.STIR.AC.UK> An: METEOPTIC_at_listserv.funet.fi <METEOPTIC_at_listserv.funet.fi> Datum: Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2002 17:55
Betreff: Sub phenomena from aeroplane

>I saw some interesting phenomena from an aeroplane recently.
>One nice sub sun, and some glories.
>One glory interested me in particular. It was very very strong,
>to the extent that it wasn't just one ring of colours visible
>but 3 concentric cycles through the colours.
>Centred on the glory was a halo, large and faint but definitely there.
>I am very used to seeing 22 deg haloes, and this was bigger than
>that, wider too, but not as big as a right angle. So I estimate the
>radius of this halo to be 30-something degrees.
>Any ideas as to what that is called? (I didn't have a camera on me,