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From: Kevin Boyle (newchapelobservatory_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 05/01/2002

Dear List Members,

Would anybody be interested in phenomenon reports issued every month as seen at Newchapel Observatory? We are located just north of Stoke-on-Trent in the United Kingdom. The list includes halos, rainbows, sunset colours, etc. Unfortunately I don't own a camera so photographs can't be included but the list can be used to a certain degree for statistics. The reports start in January 2002 so if anyone is interested send an e-mail to that effect. Other suggestions for the list would also be welcomed.

The latest list (April 2002) looks like this:

1st: A partial, and rather pale coloured, rainbow was seen at 0550 UT.

2nd: An upper tangential arc was observed between 1330-1345 UT. A partial and faint rainbow was seen at 1750 UT, the sun hidden behind a cloud at the time.

3rd: Extensive covering of high cirrus and/or cirrostratus meant there was some kind of optics at sometime during the day. Most notable was a bright to very bright upper tangent arc which dominated late morning period and, again, for much of the afternoon (until 15UT). Colours of red and blue were obvious as was the darkening inside the halo. During the display a partial and much weaker 22 degree halo was visible and the bottom part was broad, perhaps a lower tangent arc?
Other phenomena occurred in the morning with parhelia (bright, with colour), weak 22 degree halo and faint circumzenithal arc.

8th: A red upper tangent arc was seen at 1645 UT and remained until 1730 UT sometimes with left&right parhelia during that period. The circumzenithal arc appeared three times due to successive exhaust trails, at 1530UT, 1605UT, and 1630UT. The second apparition (1605UT) was bright and impressive, the other two were weak and fragmentary. Also, at 1800UT bright iridescent colouring (purple, blue and green) was seen on the edge of altocumulus clouds.

11th: A 22 degree halo was visible for much of the evening on/off. Also, a faint circumzenithal arc was seen at 1625UT and left mock sun at 1640 UT.

16th: A 22 degree halo was seen intermittently with colour during the morning. Also seen was a weak right sundog (1040UT).

17th: A yellow sun pillar was seen at sunrise, maximum height 5 degrees, and faint mock suns (with colour) were seen shortly afterwards. During the early afternoon, a 22 degree halo was present, with or without an upper tangent arc. Again, the latter became bright with red and blue.

18th: A faint partial rainbow was seen between 0620-0640UT.

         Between 1145-1200UT an upper tangent arc with red was seen. At about the same time, nearly a third of the parhelic circle was seen opposite the sun extending roughly 45-50 degrees in length. It was a milky white colour and appeared to move against the thick patch of cirrostratus that was causing it towards the east. Of course, this is the effect of the thick ice crystals illuminating other parts of the circle.

22nd: A complete , and at times, bright 22 degree halo was seen during the middle part of the day ( from 1130UT to ~1300UT).

25th: A bright upper tangent arc (with red) was visible in the morning with a weak 22 degree halo and faint colourless sundogs. Later in the day (1415UT , a corona was seen around the sun (using the reflection in water method, of course) shining through altocumulus. The corona faded quickly after a minute or so as the altocumulus rapidly dissipated.

26th: A weak, partial rainbow (with supernumary) was seen at 1655 UT. At 1820 UT, much later, during a heavy shower, a very bright complete rainbow with full secondary (also very obvious) and supernumerary was seen. The colours were very clear and pure. The sky was very light inside the primary and Alexander's dark band could easily be seen.

27th: A bright upper tangent arc was seen at 1005 UT with red and blue colouring. There was also a much fainter lower tangent arc. The phenomenon continued on/off for 15-30 minutes.

29th: Rainbow seen at 0505 UT during early-morning shower. No secondary. Later in the evening faint but broad mock suns were seen between 1800-1845 UT intermittently. Prominent colour was red.

30th: Parts of the 22 halo was seen in the morning and afternoon with red on the inside. Also, during mid-afternoon iridescent colouring was seen in altocumulus lenticular clouds.