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From: Luk Van Biesbrouck (gi31113_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 03/24/1997

Some odd questions about optical phenomena in our atmosphere and elsewhere.


1/ About the Glory, the cloudbow, the sub-sun and the sub-parhelic circle.
The Glory or "Brocken spectre", a set of diffuse multicolored rings
surrounding the observer's anti-solar point,
is a familiar sight to mountain dwellers and airplane travellers as long
their anti-solar point is projected on a
layer of fog or a moisty cloud-deck below.....

But is it also familiar for astronauts or cosmonauts orbiting the cloud
covered earth?  In theory it must be possible
to observe ( parts of) the glory from a distance further out in space
whenever the observer's anti-solar point is projected
on the earth's cloud deck ( perhaps even from the moon?) and what about
cloud-bow, the sub-sun, the sub-parhelic
circle, sub-parhelia and the sub-anthelion?, could I find some photographs
of these optical phenomena, spotted from

Has anyone ever spotted a " mirror-glory", produced in the light of a low
sun reflected on the smooth surface of a lake?

( bear in mind that the sky on the opposite side of the Sun should be
cloud covered !) 2/ About "Offset white arcs". ---------------------------------------- Offset white arcs are colorless rainbows with not-so-normal postions in the sky: cloud it be that bright parhelia are the cause of these white rainbows? ( I know, it must be a strange meteorological situation: halo-effects on one side of the sky and rainbow effects on the other). 3/ About Transient Lunar Phenomena. ------------------------------------------------------ To anyone who owns a beaded projection screen: take it out and place it the sun, after you put on your sunglasses you will see on the screen another aspect of "rainbow-dynamics": at about 22 degrees
( measured from the anti-solar point) you will
see the "primary glassy bead-bow": red on the outside an blue on the inside
( the same as in the normal primary rainbow,
but the angular radius is relatively small), at about 87 degrees measured from the anti-solar point you will find a very weak and broad " secondary glassy bead-bow": blue on the sunward side and red toward the anti-solar point ( note that this measures a whole 87 degrees, almost 90 degree !). ************************************************************************** ** ************************************************************** * WARNING !!!!!! Very bright, almost blinding retro-reflection when beaded screen is placed face-on in the sun . * * To reduce this glare, turn screen 60 degrees off-axis and the bow will become visible. * ************************************************************************** ** ************************************************************** The point now is: is there a possibility that future lunar astronauts will find huge concentrations of glassy beads and that they will encounter some equivalent of the "primary beaded screen-bow"? ( the horizontal dewbow sometimes seen on earth's early morning meadows), if this is possible we on earth must sometimes see very little fragments of this "primary lunar dust-bow" when the moon stands at about 22 degrees away from the ant-solar point ( a couple of days before and (or) after full moon) , could this be the reason why lunar observers claim they have seen reddish glows on the moon from time to time? ( generally known as transient lunar phenomena-tlp). To all lovers of strange optical phenomena: I like to read your answers and observations and hope to develop with you some new thechniques to discover " new" natural optical phenomena....... by the way, come and visit my " atmospherium" in the city of Ghent, Belgium: a dome for astronomical purpose situated in the " Popular observatory Armand Pien", the inside of this dome is transformed into a painted all-sky representation of a huge halo-complex and bonus primary and secondary rainbows!!! Unique !!!! Luk Van Biesbrouck and Danny Caes Best regards - Beste groetjes Luk Van biesbrouck danny caes St. Michielstraat 91 Krijgsgasthuisstraat 161 B-8700 Tielt Belgium B-9000 Gent Belgium Tel: + tel: + E-mail : gi31113_at_glo.be luk.vb_at_belgium-mail.com URL : http://users.glo.be/vanbiesbrouck