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From: Jun Lao (antares_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 11/26/1996

Would like to ask the group if they have "standard" settings for film speed,
and exposure time in capturing atmospheric phenomena on film. I have been able to
get some decent photos of halos and rainbows but find photographing nacreous
very difficult. I notice that I am also able to capture intense halo displays on
film but have difficulty getting an image of weaker halos, with the result that the
image is either overexposed or underexposed. As for the nacreous clouds, there was
a brillant and continuously changing display that I tried to capture. The photos
I got back only hinted at the bright coloration. I use a 55 mm f/1.8 SLR.

Advice and help would be greatly appreciated, as I would like to record these
fleeting but wonderful phenomena on film.


  Jun Lao <antares_at_pworld.net.ph>
The Philippine Astronomical Society

     Manila 14.5N 121E